Stress & Anxiety
Stress and anxiety have become a part of our fast-paced lives today. We all experience a certain level of anxiety; this is a normal response to situations or experiences where our sense of safety feels threatened. For example, we’re crossing a busy road and we see a truck coming – our flight response kicks in, our heart starts beating faster to pump adrenaline around our body so that we can run to the other side of the road, out of harm's way. ur negative or catastrophic thinking triggers our brain to respond to the imminent threat.
However, our brain is unable to decipher the difference between real danger and perceived danger. So, we could be sitting on the train on the way to work and start thinking worrying thoughts, which can become catastrophic thoughts, which in turn triggers the brain to kick-start the fight, flight or freeze response and we become physically anxious or panicky.
Symptoms of anxiety
The symptoms of anxiety can be both physical and psychological. The physical symptoms can include heart palpitations, body shaking, sweaty palms, agitation, inability to relax, panic attacks, loss of appetite, and insomnia.
The psychological symptoms of anxiety can include overthinking, racing mind, negative thoughts, catastrophising, inability to make decisions or choices, feeling fearful, tense, nervous or tearful, worrying about the future, hypervigilance, and obsessive compulsive behaviours.
With Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), the following symptoms must be present:
Excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not for at least six months about a number of events or activities
Finding it difficult to control the worry
The anxiety and worry are related to three or more of the following six symptoms -
Restlessness and agitation
Easily fatigued
Muscle tension
Sleep disturbance
Difficulty concentrating
The anxiety, worry and physical symptoms cause significant distress or disruption to normal day-to-day functioning in personal and work life.
These symptoms must not be attributable to substance abuse or another medical condition.
The disturbance is not better explained by another medical disorder, e.g. social anxiety disorder or post traumatic stress disorder.
Help with stress & anxiety
I will help you to deal with overwhelming thoughts and problems by breaking them down into smaller parts with you, so that it feels more manageable. I will support you in re-framing your thinking and finding positive changes to the negative patterns, as a way to improve the way you feel.